segunda-feira, 10 de março de 2014

Public Workstation WTF?

Ok, so to start of let me just say that, i've experienced such thing in already a multitude of places and really it's something that it really shouldn't happen. I'm talking about erratic computer behavior in public places such as in schools, public libraries, etc. So, today, after being out of work for three weeks due to illness, i had to resume my activities and had to catchup with all i had lost. That meant downloading shitloads of PDF files and print them. So, first, no toner on work printers, at least not the main ones. WTF? NO TONER. IN A SCHOOL? WORKING EVERY GOD DAMM WEEK OF THE YEAR? Yes you may think i'm being harsh, because sometimes it ends right? But how about order in advance when it's ending? Maybe? Hum? just an ideia. Anyway, because of this i had to rely on the smaller printers connected to the all network of computers, meant to print small quantities at time. Not something like 50-70 pages. But anyhow, before printing i had to pick one of 20 computers to order the print. Seems simple enough? Well it should be, unless of course you had to run them all to see which work and which don't. And this seems to be like an increasing trend. How hard is it to keep a workstation computer...working? Really? They can't run games, they are filled up with protection and yet they can't seem to be able to do a simple task such as printing. Or even booting up. And don't come with heavy use excuse as they were meant to do that. I believe that all they require is just a little maintenance. It's not expensive and everywhere public there is if not a team, at least one person capable of doing it. It would improve productivity and well, lets face it, a more extend life to the computer itself, as someone would be tempted to smash them to floor....... It's ridiculously how printing can take half an hour.............

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