quarta-feira, 23 de abril de 2014


So what is paracord? Well it's something amazing let me tell you. For those of you not familiar with paracord, simply put it's a rope. But not any rope. Paracord is a nylon or polyester encloser and inside you will find, most commonly, seven strands of nylon, each composed of two interlaced strands. Why is this brilliant? Well, not only it gives an amazing resistance (a 4mm strand of paracord can whitstand about 200-250kg) but also it can have tons of applications. You can use it to make shoelaces, improvise tents with it, small hiking, backup cord, and you can even use those 7 strands inside to build a fishing line. It can also be used, and that is probably its biggest use as a fashion element, as there are countless numbers of tutorials online with different types of bracelets that can be done. Using one may seem as an idiotic thing to do but taking into account that we use around 2-3 meters of cord to make one may make you rethink. You're carrying a light and in a fashionable way 3 meters of cord that can be used to make everything. I would recommend to at least give it a try.

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